What to see in Granada

Places of general interest and tourist sites

This section shows you what to see in Granada, arranged by neighbourhoods.

Palacio de Los Córdova
Construction of the Palace of the Cordovas began in the Placeta de las Descalzas in approximately 1530, and was completed in 1592. Its first owner...
Ubicación de Palacio de los Córdova
Palace of Dar al-Horra
Icono Granadatur
This Nasrid palace located in the Albaicín district was constructed in the 15th century, over the remains of a Zirid palace dating back to the 11th...
Ubicación de Palacio de Dar al-Horra
Basilica of San Juan de Dios
Construction of the church began at the behest of Brother Alonso de Jesús Ortega in 1737 and finalised in 1759. It was financed by the Hospitaller...
Ubicación de Basílica de San Juan de Dios
Monastery of San Jerónimo
Icono Granadatur
Formed by the church and monastery, it dates back to before the Christian conquest of the city. It construction is attributed to the Catholic...
Ubicación de Monasterio de San Jerónimo
Royal Chapel
Icono Granadatur
The Chapel of the Catholic Monarchs was conceived as a burial place that would be intimately linked to the Cathedral, without merging with its...
Ubicación de Capilla Real
José Guerrero Centre
José Guerrero was not only one of the most singular artists within American abstract expressionism, but also exercised considerable influence over...
Ubicación de Centro José Guerrero
House of Mariana Pineda
The creation of the Mariana Pineda European Centre for Women fulfils a threefold objective: honouring the memory of this famous woman with a great...
Ubicación de Casa de Mariana Pineda
Fray Leopoldo
Friar Leopoldo (Alpandeire 1864, Granada 1956) was a Capuchin monk who lived in Granada from 1914 up until his death, on 9 February 1956. His main...
Ubicación de Fray Leopoldo
Huerta de San Vicente
The summer house of the García Lorca family, purchased in 1925, and so-called in other of the mother of the family, Vicenta. It was previously...
Ubicación de Huerta de San Vicente
Garcia Lorca park
It takes in an area of 80,000 square metres. It was inaugurated on 10 May 1995, following a long project phase that commenced in 1984 with the...
Ubicación de Parque García Lorca
Quinta de la Alegre Gardens
The building was designed in the 1920s for the Rodríguez-Acosta family, an important line of bankers and artists from Granada, by José Felipe Giménez...
Ubicación de Jardines de Quinta Alegre
CajaGranada Museum
The building is the work of the architect Alberto Campo Baeza, who is also the author of the Caja Granada cube. Taking inspiration from the penguin...
Ubicación de Museo CajaGranada