
House of Mariana Pineda
Mariana Pineda's family house shows where Granada's important heroine lived

The creation of the Mariana Pineda European Centre for Women fulfils a threefold objective: honouring the memory of this famous woman with a great deal of popular support who symbolises the Constitutionalist Liberal cause in the 19th century; housing the offices of the Municipal Council for Women, which women''s groups and associations have been demanding for some time, and opening up the space to the women of Granada, as a meeting point, a place of learning, a discussion forum and for projects that involve women from various countries to create a framework aimed at achieving gender equality.

It boasts a history room that attempts to provide a comprehensive view of Mariana Pineda, addressing a range of aspects, from the historical and territorial context, to the influence of her figure at a popular level and as an artistic muse. The resource room is located in what was formerly the patio and takes in a wide range of material: press, magazine articles, old and contemporary books, facsimiles and audiovisual productions, amongst other resources.

ICONO Granada y nombre negro móvil
  • Carrera del Darro 9
  • 958 216 158


Puerta Real-Recogidas

Barrio turístico:

Historical Centre

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