Plaza de Toros

Triunfo - Bullring

In the centuries that followed the Christian conquest, Granada began to expand beyond the ancient walls of the Arab city, occupying the area that was consolidated when the new train station was built there.

This is a very vibrant part of the city, where going for tapas is the thing to do, particularly near the bullring. The main monument to be visited is the Monastery of La Cartuja, whose tabernacle is possibly one of the best examples of the Spanish baroque period.

The Bullring of Granada, popularly known as the Monumental del Frascuelo bears testimony to the city''s Moorish legacy. Constructed in 1928 in the...
Ubicación de Plaza de toros
Church of San Ildefonso
Ubicación de Iglesia de San Ildefonso
Convent of La Merced
Ubicación de Convento de la Merced
Former Faculty of Medicine
Ubicación de Antigua Facultad de Medicina
Fray Leopoldo
Friar Leopoldo (Alpandeire 1864, Granada 1956) was a Capuchin monk who lived in Granada from 1914 up until his death, on 9 February 1956. His main...
Ubicación de Fray Leopoldo
Monastery of La Cartuja
Icono Granadatur
The Monastery of Cartuja in Granada, also known as the Monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, is one of the finest examples of Spanish and...
Ubicación de Monasterio de la Cartuja
Monasterio Cartuja 3
Monastery of La Cartuja
Icono Granadatur
The Monastery of Cartuja in Granada, also known as the Monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, is one of the finest examples of Spanish and...
Ubicación de Monasterio de la Cartuja
Puerta Elvira
Ubicación de Puerta Elvira
Royal Hospital
Ubicación de Hospital Real

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