How to arrive in Sierra Nevada (Pradollano)


Pradollano is the area where Sierra Nevada ski resort is located. It is 31km far from Granada city.


There are several ways to arrive in Sierra Nevada:


  • By car, along A-395 road.

    From Granada bypass (A-44), take exit 132 to Ronda Sur – Alhambra – Sierra Nevada, go through Serrallo tunnel (right lane), and you will find Padrollano in 31km.


Before going to Sierra Nevada in winter, please check the road conditions on Dirección General de Tráfico website:


  • By bus. This service is provided by TOCINA company and all buses departure from Granada Bus Station.

During winter season, there is an additional stop in the city, next to Palacio de Congresos (Paseo del Violón side), tickets in advance advised.

In winter, there are 3 or 4 buses going and coming back from there per day. This service is orientatated towards optimizing the time in skiing.


In summer, when the ski resort is closed, normally from May to November, there is just one bus going and coming back from Sierra Nevada once per day. During summer months, the bus can also go up to Hoya de la Mora.


Timetables and prices

T: (+34) 958 46 50 22




There is a large indoor car park in Sierra Nevada ski resort. When you arrive in Pradollano, you will see the car park to your right, below Plaza Andalucía and the two open-air car parks: Los Peñones—next to the youth hostel— and Las Sabinasnext to C.A.R. They are both outside Pradollano residential area.


In Los Peñones parking you can also park your camper van.


All parkings need to be paid. It is just in summer when they are for free.


To check out for more details about prices, please visit the following website: